Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I have the worse luck....

I get to work this morning and the phone is ringing off the hook...First my boss asking why isn't my email working, and he's on vacation right now so he is literally flipping out. When I find out I call our IT support and tell them to get over here to fix our stuff. While on the phone with him 2 other agents call in freaking out...I can't get to my email....I'm like wow. Even worse I have a bottle of sprite sitting open on my desk. I turn and hit it with my arm and it spills everywhere so I run to the back and get papertowells and while I'm drying it up, the phone rings again..I go to pick it up and the cord hits the sprite AGAIN, and once again it goes all over my desk...This is a day from hell already....I need a cold beverage.

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